Transforming your Culture

Shifting Culture requires dedicated effort. Unfortunately, many organisations on this journey struggle to articulate their aspired Culture and bring it to life.

For us, an aspired culture embodies many different elements. Working alongside our clients, we look for new ways to WOW everyone they come in contact with. It is about building relationships where we treat each other like family. Learning to value teamwork and having fun and not taking ourselves too seriously. Adopting a growth mindset and achieving the impossible with talented and engaged people. Developing a safe and open workplace, taking risks, and not being afraid to make mistakes. At the heart, is trust, vulnerability and a sense of belonging. It is about people being part of a story that never stops unfolding.

We are a little different in that we don’t run with the herd. We speak fluent Culture, and love combining the human, technology and physical layers to create a truly differentiated Culture experience. Age may not have made us wiser, but we do have the capability, tools and expertise to boost your Organisational Culture to support the business strategy and operating model, and deliver profit with purpose.


“It’s time to admit that the playbook that has guided businesses and CEO’s for the last 40 years is broken.”

Hamdi Ulukaya | CEO of Chobani



Let Culture be your competitive Advantage

No one knows your business better than you do. Our diagnostics start with determining your Culture style - the foundational building block in your Culture story. We back this up with both qualitative and quantitative analysis and research. Maybe it's our designing thinking influence, but where possible we like to live your Culture.

We enjoy delighting our clients with the data and insights that we bring back to the table in five working days. Useful data and insights lead to even better conversations. Just like humans, no two Culture journeys are the same. Sharing our insights and learnings, we co-create a tailored solution that addresses the opportunity, desired outcome, capability, budget and your willingness to do good.

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Start with the right Culture Foundations - Guided by our Culture Compass

Continue the Journey Powered by our Culture Cube (Framework)  

Led by Culture Practitioners - A safe pair of hands.



The new generation of employees needs more to feel emotionally supported and perform at its best. These employees are challenging conventional ideas around work-life balance and asking for more than just a paycheck and paid leave from their workplace. Today’s employee craves synergy between life and career, not a black and white divide.

We would like to thank 15Five for sharing Many of these Insights

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#1 - We don’t do fluff.

#2 - We are culture practitioners with award-winning hands-on Culture experience. We are not your HR generalists.

#3 - Engaging CultureXP means you work alongside our Co-Founders - the designers of CultureXP, our Culture Compass and Culture Cube framework.

#4 - We are outcome obsessed.

#5 - You can’t lead the Culture if you don’t live the Culture.

CultureXP is the culture change born from our desire to help our clients redefine their People and Culture practices to track towards their guiding north star. Our passion and curiosity for combining People, Workplace Culture and Employee Engagement with the alignment of the business strategy and bottom line has led us here, connecting the dots.

Co-creation that enables people to work at their natural best matters to us. We work with our clients not just for the ‘now’ but as a long-term partner in helping them create their unique best place to work story.



Inspire your team. Blair guides business leaders, board directors and organisations on delivering profit with a purpose by living their values and designing workplaces that enable people to work at their natural best.

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